Stellar transaction compiler lets you create, edit and manipulate transactions

Stellar transaction compiler (STC) is a command-line tool for creating, editing and manipulating transactions for Stellar blockchain. STC is coded by David Mazieres who is Chief Scientist and Co-Founder of Stellar Development Foundation.

David has made the entire code open source and uploaded it on github. He has also provided commands for installing it on their computers. To install it, type following commands inside terminal.

rm -rf ~/go/src/
GOPRIVATE=’*’ go get…

To view STC’s documentation locally on your computer, start local godoc server and open it in browser by typing this in.

godoc -index -http localhost:6060 &
xdg-open http://localhost:6060/pkg/

If you are running a Mac, you will have to use open instead of xdg-open. Alternatively, you can simply paste its URL in web browser.

David Mazieres will be presenting it this Wednesday morning at the Meridian 2020 conference.

Stellar transaction compiler supports converting back and forth between txrep and Stellar XDR format. At the same time, STC is fully capable of submitting transactions to Stellar network, querying account status and so on.

STC library also makes building and submitting transactions programmatically from go apps.

There is no warranty for the program so use it with caution.