Kelp Trading Bot updated to v1.10

Kelp is a trading bot that works with both Stellar decentralized exchanges as-well-as centralized exchanges like Binance, Kraken, Bittrex etc. Its developer, Nikhil Saraf has updated it to v1.10.0. The new version brings myriad enhancements.

The most notable ones include:

new Pendulum AMM trading template (pendulum)
new Sell TWAP trading template (sell_twap)
cheaper and more accurate fill/trade tracking via SYNCHRONIZE_STATE_LOAD_ENABLE config
Mirror Trading Template: track orders triggered on backingExchange
significant upgrades and reliability fixes to the mirror trading template
support metrics via Amplitude, disable using –no-headers flag
Kelp GUI: fix issue of fiat currency dropdown not updating correctly
ccxtExchange should allow fetching binance orderbook with limits between the hardcoded binance limits
mirror trading template allows different divide by values for BID and ASK sides (deprecate VOLUME_DIVIDE_BY config field)
Fix FetchTrades for Kraken
Kelp GUI: disallow invalid characters in bot name
fix rounding issues in mirror trading template causing offers to not be placed

kelp trading bot

You can download the latest binaries from here. If you are already running existing version of Kelp Bot, you can merge the changes into local branch using these commands.

git pull upstream v1.10.0
glide install

To get started, feel free to play around with pre-configured sample files here which drastically reduce the learning curve.