Buy XLM directly on Ledger Live v2.9.0

Ledger has rolled out v2.9.0 of Ledger Live application that brings numerous Stellar-specific bug fixes and a brand new feature. With the latest version 2.9.0, users can buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) without leaving Ledger Live. You no longer need to send funds to a website like Coinbase or send BTC to an exchange to buy XLM.

With latest version of Ledger Live, you can buy XLM directly using your credit or debit card. The app is using Coinfy service to buy XLM or other crypto and it sends the funds directly to your Ledger wallet. It is also possible to buy USDT now.

This Ledger Live release adds support new Stellar protocol and fixed memo field that was resetting when changing recipient.

Other features added in this release includes carousel on portfolio tab and help section that contains links to various helpdesk articles.

If you have Ledger Live, click on update button on its main screen to update it. Alternatively, you can download it from Ledger’s github and update it yourself.

Other bugfixes done in this release include the following.

  • Decred app not detected as outdated anymore on desktop
  • Unification of Cosmos operations details
  • Cosmos/Tron UI uniformisation
  • Native SegWit comes first in the add account flow