Blockdaemon makes Stellar node deployment easier than ever

Blockdaemon is an end-to-end blockchain middleware platform that allows users to connect to any protocol. Today, it has announced support for header-based authentication and cURL commands for Stellar node APIs in their application that will make Stellar node deployment easier.

With the introduction of Stellar Protocol 15, Blockdaemon has also baked in ability to modify ledger retention in their app. They will also be adding request rate limit management for Horizon on dedicated nodes by end of 2020.


And in 2021, Blockdaemon will be improving captive core Horizon-only deployments as more and more use cases emerge.

Every single Blockdaemon Stellar node connects with Stellar Horizon API setup that makes it easier to connect to any network using Stellar SDK. Their nodes can make calls in C#, Scala and REST. This allows users to create offers for tokens, establish streaming data end points and monitor blockchain ledgers in realtime.

Blockdaemon allows you to run shared node for just $24.99/month or a dedicated node for $499/month. With this, you will be able to make 3600 queries / hour. Only as a dedicated node, you get the ability to become a validator.

Blockdaemon is a Stellar partner and received a grant from SDF in 2019.