Simba Pay is open-source payment app on Stellar Blockchain

Simba Chain has announced on its twitter account that they will be unveiling an open-source payment application called Simba Pay that will run on Stellar blockchain next week.

They have also confirmed about a special guest from Stellar Development Foundation on their upcoming webinar.

You can find the Simba Pay code on their github. It provides a springboard for anyone wanting to develop their own Stellar application in either React or React Native.

Stellar asset support is baked in as well. They do mention that Anchor USD is not supported since its team has removed the ability to trade their USD asset via the web, instead opting to use their mobile app and other trading platforms like StellarX.

simba pay

Simba Chain is a platform that provides simple way to develop blockchain applications. Simba lets someone with zero knowledge to create distributed applications using known interfaces.

It is possible to create stunning blockchain applications without having prior knowledge about Web3, Geth, Node.js, Javascript, Ether Wallet, Meta Mask, IPFS etc. Simba Chain enables seamless utilization and integration of blockchain technology to bolster trust, security, and risk mitigation for enterprise and government.

Stay tuned for official announcement next week!